The Ryan Medical Centre |
Acute Emergency |
999 |
Out of Hours Emergencies (NHS 111) |
111 |
Appointments/Visits |
01772 335136 or 337525 |
Repeat Prescriptions Line |
01772 339469 |
Hospitals and Medical Centres |
Royal Preston Hospital |
01772 716565 |
Royal Lancaster Infirmary |
01524 65944 |
Blackpool Victoria Hospital |
01253 300000 |
Chorley Hospital |
01257 261222 |
General Help |
Community Services |
01995 602 535 |
Social Services |
01772 685 318 |
Primary Care Support Services |
0800 567 123 |
The Patient Advice and Liaison Service |
01253 655 591 |
Smoking Cessation Service |
0800 328 6297 |
Emergency Dental Services |
01253 303 136 |
Preston Primary Care |
01772 788 058 |
Fylde Coast Medical Centre |
01253 305 895 |
Samaritans |
116 123 |